Description of Test Fixtures

The docker files for each test fixture is in the root of the repository with the name Dockerfile.<fixturename>. The overall design of the test fixture is captured here . One must be authenticated to view this repository.

activemq fixture is built from rmohr/activemq with the configuration from src/workflow_app/workflow/icat_activemq.xml. It is the activemq broker.

autoreducer fixture runs a copy of post processing agent. This is given a fake filesystem with the contents of tests/data in the location /SNS/ (at the root level of the filesystem).

amq_test_gen fixture creates pretend messages associated with runs being saved. It contains the code in the web monitor test AMQ message generator repository . One must be authenticated to view this repository.

amq_pv_gen fixture creates fake process variables (PVs) that the data aquisition would make. It contains the code in the web monitor test pv generator repository . One must be authenticated to view this repository.

catalog_process fixture is running the script located in src/catalog/ which responds with the messages in a similar way to how ONCAT would. The script creates a Listener and responds accordingly.