How to Build a Local Instance


This document is updated, however, it may be good to read the continuous integration scripts as well.

Running static analysis

This repository uses pre-commit framework to run the static analysis checks. After installing pre-commit the checks can be run using

pre-commit run --all-files

Running unit tests

The unit tests exist next to the code it is testing. They are run inside a conda environment and pointing at the correct directory with the configuration inside the root-level setup.cfg. Replace conda with mamba for the faster dependency resolver. This is based on what is run in .github/workflow/ci.yml

make create/conda  # substitute with "create/mamba" when using mamba
conda activate webmon
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=reporting.reporting_app.settings.unittest \
   python -m pytest src

If the environment already exists, conda_environment.yml can be used to update it as well.

conda activate webmon
conda env update --file conda_development.yml

Running system test

The system test are run via .github/workflow/system.yml .

make all # wheels and test data
LDAP_SERVER_URI=. LDAP_DOMAIN_COMPONENT=. docker-compose up --build

Wait for a time for everything to get up and running. This is normally noted by seeing a collection of worker threads starting. Once started tests can be run via

DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=reporting.reporting_app.settings.envtest \
   python -m pytest tests

Setup and Deployment for Development

Most of the shell commands used when working in the developer setup (a.k.a “localdev”) are encapsulated in make targets. Type make help for a list of make targets and a brief description.

When starting for scratch, open a shell where the following secret environment variables have been initialized:


It is recommended to store these variables in an .envrc file and manage their loading/unloading into the shell with the direnv command-line utility.

Description of settings

The settings are split into a couple of bundled options that can be selected by specifying DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

  • reporting.reporting_app.settings.unittest for running outside of docker in the conda environment

  • reporting.reporting_app.settings.develop for local docker containers. This can be connected to production ldap server in a read only mode and will ignore TLS errors

  • reporting.reporting_app.settings.envtest for the remote testing environment

  • for production

The environment variables LDAP_SERVER_URI and LDAP_DOMAIN_COMPONENT are shown above with no-op values. Senior developers can provide the values to use, then the developer setup can work with Neutron Scattering Division’s (NSD) LDAP instance.

The environment variables CATALOG_URL, CATALOG_ID and CATALOG_SECRET can be set to allow run metadata to be retrieved from ONCat.

Special users

While one can connect to the production LDAP, in a developer environment there are listed below as username:password

  • GeneralUser : GeneralUser has permissions to pages similar to a general beamline users. The username and password can be set using the GENERAL_USER_USERNAME and GENERAL_USER_PASSWORD environment variables. The credentials are stored in settings file

  • InstrumentScientist : InstrumentScientist has permissions similar to an instrument scientist

After setting the environment variables, run the following make targets in the shell:

make conda/create
make wheel/all  # create python packages for dasmon, webmon, and workflow
make SNSdata.tar.gz  # create fake SNS data for testing
make localdev/up  # build all the services

The site is served at http://localhost by default.

After making changes to the source code, it is necessary to:

  1. stop the running containers

  2. recreate the python wheel(s) if the source code of the apps has changed

  3. rebuild the images

Stop the Running Containers

Stoping and deleting the running containers as well as deleting the images and docker volumes:

docker-compose down --volumes

this command will delete the database. Omit --volumes if preservation of the database is desired.

Recreate the Python Wheels

The selected format to inject dasmon, webmon, and workflow apps into their corresponding services is python wheels, thus any changes for the python source code requires rebuilding the python wheel(s).

For instance, if the source code of dasmon is changed, run at this point make wheel/dasmon to rebuild the dasmon wheel.

If necessary, delete all existing wheels with make wheel/clean

Rebuild the Images

Run make localdev/up. This make target builds the services with command docker-compose up --build using settings in docker-compose.yml.

More information on docker commands for this project can be found here.

Uploading a Database Dump

Make target localdev/dbup contains the shell command to load the database dump and start the service. Assuming that:

  • we started the webmon Conda environment

  • the full path to the dump file is ./database_dump_file.sql:

  • the current working directory is the root of the source tree (containing file .env):

(webmon) $> dbdumpfile=./database_dump_file.sql make DATABASE_PASS=$(dotenv get DATABASE_PASS) localdev/dbup

Target localdev/dbup sets LOAD_INITIAL_DATA="false", thus preventing loading the default database dump (file “db_init.json”)